Year 1
Autumn Term
During the Autumn term we focus on becoming more independent and confident in the new routines of Key Stage 1. We have three learning adventures across the Autumn term;
- Is it better to be all the same or all be different?
- Did Goldilocks make good choices?
- Is Christmas the same for everybody?
In the Autumn term we also enjoy our first trip in year 1 to the South Hill Park pantomime.
This term we focus on numbers between 0-20, looking at how these numbers are formed, additon, subtraction and number bond knowledge to both 10 and 20. We also look at shape.
In our writing we focus on being able to write a simple sentence including a captial letter, finger spaces and full stops.

Spring Term
Across the Spring term we explore 2 learning adventures;
- Why should we care about the weather?
- What part of the plant makes the tastiest soup?
In the Spring term we practice getting changed for our PE sessions in readiness for swimming in the Summer term. The children also get to use the wall bars and climbing equipment in the gymnastics unit.
We build on our number knowledge and look at place value in numbers to 50. We also look at measuring length, capacity and mass, in standard and non-standard units. We begin to practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
During the term we continue to practice writing in full sentences using the correct punctuation. We also begin to improve our writing by trying to include adjectives and the conjunction 'and'.
Children's personal highlights of these topics include making their own weather gauges and getting the chance to use our school kitchen to cook their own soup.

Summer Term
In the Summer term we explore our final 2 learning adventures of year 1;
- How might Percy's enclosure make animals feel?
- What makes a good castle?
In this term we enjoy two trips, one to the British Wildlife Centre and the second to Windsor Castle.
In this term we continue to build on our multiplication knowledge and looking at grouping numbers in equal groups. We also introduce divison as sharing, fractions, time and money.
In our writing we begin to look at and create non-fiction texts. We explore both instructions and fact files.
In the summer term year 1 also enjoy Swimming as one of our PE sessions.