Welcome to Harmans Water Primary School
Information for visitors & volunteers
Please read the following and then sign in at Reception. You will be provided with a lanyard according to the purpose of your visit.
Visitor with DBS Visitor without DBS Staff Governor Contractor Student
Safeguarding: The school is committed to safeguarding and we would ask you to follow all guidance you have been given by your contact. Our team of Designated Safeguarding Leads are: Mr M Irving (Lead), and Deputies - Ms Lauren Lock, Mrs Jan Lorey, Ms Zoe Ayers & Mrs Erica Turney. If you have any safeguarding concerns relating to the physical, social or emotional safety of a child OR if a child discloses information relating to their physical, emotional or social wellbeing you should immediately share this with a member of the safeguarding team. You may ask the school office to contact one of these members of staff.
Equality: The school is committed to equality and we expect all members of the community and visitors to treat each other with mutual respect. We aim to help everyone to have access to our school, and will endeavour to assist you if you have a medical condition or disability. It is easiest for us to do this if you can make us aware of your needs before your visit.
Health & Safety: A safe working environment is provided and all visitors are requested to co-operate in the maintenance of the health standard of safe practice. Visitors must observe the area safety instructions at all times. In the event of injury or illness, please advise Reception staff.
Emergency procedure: In an emergency situation, such as a fire, a continuous alarm bell will sound and you must exit the building via the nearest Fire Exit. Please proceed to the assembly point on the synthetic pitch and report to one of the admin team. Please do not re-enter the building until directed.
Photographs & telephones: No smart phone or camera should be on show and NO photographs or recordings should be taken.
Confidentiality: Visitors/volunteers should understand the need to maintain the confidentiality of pupils and should not share information about pupils or staff in any way – including social media
DBS checks: Visitors/volunteers will not be left alone with any children at any time unless the school has received and kept a copy of their DBS check. Orange lanyards indicates a visitor/volunteer.
Leaving the site: Please sign out at the Main Reception and return your visitor pass
A full copy of the school’s safeguarding policy is available on the school website or via the school office