Online Safety
Within our computing curriculum, the pupils at Harmans Water Primary School are taught about how to keep safe online. It is important not only for the school to state the importance of saftey online but that the pupils are aware of this within their home context too. Below you will find helpful information guides on how we can support the pupils to be safe. In addition, click on the pictures and you will be redirected to useful websites.
SID's Top Tips
Four top tips to help the children be safe online from Think U Know.
Vodafone Digital Parenting Magazine
A free magazine for parents and carers which offers advice on many subjects.

CEOP Information for Parents
CEOP Command works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas. They protect children from harm online and offline.

Instagram Parent User Guide
Instagram is an App which can be downloaded onto your mobile phone. It does have a minimum age of 12, so please be wary if your child has this App on their phone. Here's how you can help keep them safe.
Facebook Parent User Guide
Facebook is an online social community where children can connect with people they know but it can also be a communication tool to talk to people they do not know. It does have a minimum age of 13, so please be wary if your child uses this site. Here's how you can help keep them safe.

Snapchat Parent User Guide
Snapchat is an App which can be downloaded onto your mobile phone. It does have a minimum age of 13, so please be wary if your child has this App on thier phone. Here's how you can help keep them safe.

Cyberbullying is bullying by electronic contact for example via text message, email or via social media.
Further information for parents can be found at: