Year 5
Autumn Term
Year 5 have been learning about space and the solar system. The children have 'visited' each planet in a virtual reality workshop, where they discovered new facts about each one. Inspired by Dan Durda, the children have shown lots of creativity by creating their own artwork that included realistic water and a 3D planet.
The children continued to develop their understanding of space when learning about rockets and gravity. They took part in many different science experiments and wrote a diary about their own rocket launch!

Spring Term
In Year 5, we have started the spring term leanring about the Egyptians, where the children looked at different religious beliefs about the afterlife and compared these to the Ancient Egyptian beliefs. In History, the children looked at famous pyramids, gods and goddesses, and in Art they took part in a clay workshop to help make canopic jars. The children wrote their own Egyptian themed stories and created an Egyptian museum at the end of the learning adventure for parents to attend. It was a lot of fun!
For the last half of the term, the children have been answering the question 'Why should we try to save the rainforests?' and they have used all of their knowledge to write persuasive speeches. To begin the learning adventure, each class created a rainforest display that accurately showed the different layers and what lived in each one. They then researched different animals and their life cycles, and were able to meet animals that live in the rainforest in an exciting workshop.