Safeguarding at HWPS - Keeping Children Safe
At HWPS, we understand that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Through our training, all staff are aware that a safeguarding incident could happen here. All members of staff, including teaching, support staff and club providers, receive annual safeguarding training either at HWPS or through their own organisation.
This overview covers all the statutory areas as detailed in the DFE document, ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education‘ (updated September 2024) – including the Prevent Strategy, FGM and Child Sexual Exploitation.
Mr Irving is our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) having received all of the required training. He also attends regular training to keep up to date with any issues relating to child protection and safeguarding. Additional weekly updates are received from Andrew Hall, a specialist safeguarding consultant and the NSPCC. These are then disseminated to relevant members of staff. Any training updates that staff may require will be delivered by the DSL. Harmans Water Primary School has incredibly tight procedures, which have been audited and approved by external providers, ensuring that our children and staff are safe. We work with an array of agencies including Children’s Services, Family support, the School Nurse and the Police. Mrs Lorey, Miss Ayers, Miss Lock and Mrs Turney are the Deputy DSLs and support Mr Irving in the leadership and management of Safeguarding.
Children can talk to ANY adult in our school but the DSLs (Designated Safeguarding Leads) have had extra training for how to keep children safe. Children can go to them any time they feel unsafe or have any worries.
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mr M Irving

Deputy DSL - Ms Z Ayers
Deputy DSL - Mrs J Lorey

Deputy DSL - Miss L Lock

Online Safety
Children are taught about how to keep safe online.
Our next workshop for parents is in October 2022 - date will be confirmed shortly!

Any child can phone 0800 1111 with any worry.
There is always someone to talk to.